Private Counselling for Gay Men, Lesbians, Bisexual & Transfolk
Private LGBT counselling is on a fee-for-service basis. The following fees are in British pounds. If you prefer to pay in another currency, contact the counsellor with details of your location (city and country).
Webcam or phone consultations (50 minutes): £140
Counselling and therapy by email exchange: (not currently available)
Read more about LGBT email exchange counselling
Paying for a private therapist or counsellor usually means you can get help faster and maintain the same practitioner. If you do not have the means to use a private service, help is still available, however you may need to join a waiting list and not have the opportunity to meet with the same counsellor for every session. Here is a link to page with more information on low cost or charitable services for LGBT people (see the end of the page).